My research uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), quantitative MRI,
diffusion weighted imaging, ECoG, behavioral,
as well as computational methods
to study the neural basis
of visual perception and
with the
ultimate goal of
linking brain activations to human perception.
My research focuses on understanding:
(1) the cortical representations &
that subserve visual recognition,
(2) the role of microanatomical
& connectivity
in shaping cortical functional organization
(3) how visual function and architecture change across development
(4) how people learn to recognize the 3D structure of objects from 2D images
(5) if and how the brain reorganizes following resection.
Undergraduate Courses
Psych 30: Introduction to Perception (Fall 2016, TuTh 9:00AM-10:20AM, 420-041)
Graduate Courses
Psych 250/CS 431: High Level Vision (Spr 2017, Mo 1:30PM-4:20PM, 420-419)
Psych 204b: Human Neuroimaging Methods (Spr 2017, TuTh 9:00AM-10:20AM, 420-419)
Psych 206: Cortical Plasticity (Win 2016)
Fun Stuff

Kalanit Grill-Spector, Ph.D
Department of Psychology
Stanford Neurosciences Institute
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305, USA
e-mail: kalanit AT stanford DOT edu
CNI Board Member
Neuropsychologia, Section Editor